Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Guess Who!!!

Hello Everyone!
Lots of girls seem to be doing fun guessing games on their blogs. I decided to make my own! Here's how it works. I have photographed and edited 3 of my dolls. You have to guess which doll is in each photo. Look at the photos below of their shadow and then comment with numbers 1. (name) 2. (name) and 3. (name.) First person to get all three correct gets to pick what I should do for my next blog post!!!

Here are all six of my doll's names just in case you're new to the blog.
Ellen,(Addy) Rebecca, Samantha, Molly, Emily and Kit. (Emily is NOT an American Girl Doll.)
The game ends when somebody gets it right!

Photo 1

Photo 2

Photo 3
PS. If you all like this game, make sure you put that in your comment and I might consider doing a post showing YOU how you can make a guessing game of your own!!!


  1. 1.Kit 2. Molly 3. Samantha.

    Cool post! :) I LUV your blog!!

    (from myamericangirl.blogspot.com)

  2. Thank you, Emma. I really enjoy your blog too. You are VERY close. One of them (and I won't say which since I don't want to ruin it for the others) is incorrect.
    Rachel~Doll Girl

  3. I think it's 1.Kit 2. Molly and 3.Rebecca.

  4. ellen, molly and samantha??? i am probabaly wrong:)

  5. 1. Ellen 2. Molly 3. Samantha
    (I promise I am not copying Isabel it's actually my guess) :D


  6. 1. Kit 2. Molly 3. Emily

    Oh, and go to my blog for your award!

  7. Yay! Emma wins! Good job!!! (Three time's the charm, right???)
    So, what should I do?

    A Photo Story?
    If so-who should be in it?
    -should it be inside or outside?
    -is there anything specail you wanted included in it?

    A Photo Shoot?
    If so -who should be in it?
    -what props should I use?

    A review?
    If so -on something from AG, or somewhere else?

    A poll?

    Do a tutorial on something?
    If so, what?

    Or sew an outfit?


Thanks for your comments!