Saturday, February 26, 2011

Very Late Resource....

But I think you'll forgive me. :)
This week we have Doll Hair! I got this book at a thrift store type place. It didn't come with the curlers or cape, but the book has some neat ideas.

My dolls agreed to show you some hairstyles from the book.

French braid. Yes, I know these are horrid. Emily's hair was still partially curly, so I was struggling. This book does have good instructions on how to do it if you don't know how!

I know you can't see the clips in Ellen's hair very well, but the veil style is a cool do.

I had never seen this style until I got this book. Cute, right?

And, I know this is off topic, but I have to show you this chair I got. (at Once Upon A Child. You CAN find good stuff there.)

It adjusts to three heights! It will be SO cute for summer.

A sample of what the pages look like.
Thanks for being patient with me!

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