Friday, March 25, 2011

Meet Midnight

I haven't posted in over a week. Tomorrow, I hope to post about Doll Fun. But TODAY, I wanted to post about Midnight, Molly's horse. He's been with us a year now.
I got him for $2 at a thrift store. That's not a bad deal. He needed some TLC, as you see here. He had scratched and a matted tail.

But, with just a little cleaning up (we magic erasered him and brushed him was an AG brush) he's great quality!

Molly recieved him for her birthday last year. She loves Midnight a lot!

Her first ride on him ever, back in 2010.
More Midnight photos and stories to come!


  1. i remember her!! unfortunately my eliza isnt a huge horse fan :( maybe molly can convince her otherwise:)

  2. So cute! Kirsten and Leah want a horse like that.


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