Saturday, August 20, 2011

Back to School Count Down---6!

Today's new idea for your doll!
Here is an overview of what you'll need.

Drinking sugary pop at school is a bad idea, and makes you lose focus while you're studying. Instead, drink water or organic milk with your lunch!

Pick a health sandwich to eat. This one is a BLT.

For something sweet, some fruit slices are great! Slice up some fresh apple and peaches for school lunch!

Need something crunchy? Chips and fries are unhealthy...but not carrots, celery and cucumber slices!

Now these are not so healthy, but a cookie is a great idea for dessert, especailly when made with farm fresh eggs, and organic milk.

Put everything in your lunchbox...and, don't forget the napkin!

Close it up tight...

and it's ready for school!


  1. Yum! That sounds like a good lunch! I am definitely going to use this to help my dolls pack their lunch. Where did you get that milk bottle?

  2. where did u get the lunchbox


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