Sunday, January 30, 2011


I haven't posted for a few cousin flew in a few days ago and we've been playing American girls together. A fashion show, a tea party and a sleepover? What could be better! Here's some pictures of Kit and her cousin (my cousin's doll), Kit! (can I use the word "cousin" one more time???? :))
Cousin Kit, wearing pjs that match my cousin's! My Aunt made these pjs by buying a pair on sale and cutting the top off, sewing the side and a triangle for the legs! That way she didn't have to add the elastic. The shirt Cousin Kit is wearing also matches another shirt of my cousin's. My Aunt constructed that on off of the neckline of a shirt. (some thrifty ideas for fellow seamstresses!)

Kit and Kit. My Kit is on the right. Can you see diffrerences in them? I think Cousin Kit has a more round face and her eyes are set further apart. Her eyebrows are also more defined. We also figured out that my Kit has a thicker wig. Not every AG doll is the same!!!

My cousin and little sister set up this tea party.

After the party, dressed in PJs and ready for bed. Can you guess which Kit is which?

Mess after the tea party. :)

My cousin got Sugar, the American Girl dog for Christmas.

Isn't she cute?


  1. Sugar is adorable!
    And Kit's Whale nightie ROCKS. ;)

  2. i agree with dulcinea, sugar is adorable. you are sooooo lucky to have a cousin and aunt like that!

  3. I do have an awesome family!!!!

  4. It was soooo fun coming to visit and letting our Kits play together! I think its cool that you posted these pictures to your blog! I like the ones of Sugar:-)
    <3 Emily and Kit and Sugar

  5. My cousin has Kit, but she wants a doll w/ long hair so she can do it better :)


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